Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Feminist Mama

You lived on my blood
What I ate, you ate
These breasts fed you…all of you
I have nourished a clan with my own flesh and blood
So when you tell me that it is difficult to understand a first-century male Jewish rabbi
I sigh…patronized
We women know what it means to have someone eat our flesh and drink our blood, for you to be part of us, for your very life to depend on us

I'm bringing another girl into this world by the end of this month, and you know what? It's really hard to be a girl. Frankly, it's really hard to be a human.

I never used to identify as a feminist. I thought that the word was a label for a woman who believed that she was better than men... maybe even hated them. The word made me uncomfortable. It seemed to demand things.

I have been told repeatedly that women and men are created differently... Men to lead, and women to help. I have been told that women are weaker than men. I have been told that wives should submit to their husbands, and a true Christian woman walks with a "quiet grace."

Here's the thing: I'm wild. I'm bold, and I lead.

Because I'm a woman, this isn't ok? Should I suppress the gifts that God has given me because some people interpret a few verses differently and out of context? I mean... should I REALLY be silent in church and wear a head covering?

I make some people uncomfortable. I am confident, and don't hesitate to speak when I have something to say. Even as I write this, I wonder if people will read it and think that I am irrational or coming on "too strong," but out of a man's mouth, these same words wouldn't be questioned. Still, that wondering has never stopped me.

The other day, someone posted an article on a social media website entitled "8 Essential Rules for Banging a Single Mom." Naturally, my eyes narrowed, and brow furrowed as soon as I read the title. I knew what I was getting into, but curiosity got the best of me, and I clicked the link. I have NEVER read something so hurtful, depraved, and oppressive. It talked about treating women like "bowling balls" (using all orifices) in order to shame her into realizing her place. The author wrote that single mom's are looking for a man to provide for them, so if you want to continue to have sex with her, you should be careful to never ever buy her anything. That way, she will continue to do more and more degrading things in bed with the hope of getting money from you. There were 6 more "tips" that I don't feel like talking about.

This is the world that my baby girl will live in.

It's true that not all men believe these things. I am a part of a wonderful community that would never condone such misogynistic language, and my husband is the person who first explained to me what Egalitarian marriage (mutual submission) looks like. Still, all women are confronted and shaped by these hateful beliefs.

Slavery was also justified using the Bible. Scripture is a double edged sword, that can be used to hurt people as much as it can be used to heal. When we forget to seek the author's original intent and historical context, human interpretations fail. Most people don't realize that American black men won the right to vote with the 15th Amendment in 1870, but American women (of any color) did not win theirs until the 19th Amendment, in 1920... a half-century later. Women have been systematically oppressed for a very very long time, but for some reason, vocalizing it is taboo... a glaring sign that the oppression continues.

I don't want to rule over men. I love my brothers. I just want to see as many women leaders as male leaders. I want to be asked my opinion. I want to be asked to teach. When there is vision being cast, I want to see women present. I want my words to be as effective at making change as a man's. I want to wear whatever I want to wear without hearing cat calls or being called a slut.

I want my daughter to be valued as a person... without limitation. Because you know what? She is.


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