Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back in the USA

Well. We are here, and it is just as strange as I thought it would be.

I am sitting on the most comfortable couch on the planet with three heaven-soft pillows and a fluffy down comforter. It is glorious. As comfortable as this feels physically, mentally I am sooo out of my element.

The cold does not bother me at all. I actually really enjoy it, so that it a happy surprise.

We are getting to see friends who we have dearly missed, and catch up on needed rest. God feels far away, but I know that faith is not always emotional. During my last week at Monsoon, I wrote a 7 day devotional for incoming interns that I am now going through myself. It seems like a different person wrote it.

Please excuse my brief and chaotic thoughts. Pray for clarity and adjustment.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Colins Portfolio

Well here is just a look at what I have been up to while we have been here in Asia. You can download this PDF to look at a portfolio that shows you the projects we have worked on, where we have travelled to in order to do them, as well as get a glimpse of some of the design/photography. There is a lot of mention of Rachel in my portfolio as we worked together on almost every single project!

Thanks for tuning in again!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Top 5 List

Hello all, Colin here! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! We also haven't given you too many updates! Sorry about that! This is less of an update post, but I will post one of those very soon! In the mean time enjoy this Silliness!

So Rachel and I leave for Chicago to stay with my parents in exactly 11 days from the time this blog was written. My mind is so torn about how I feel with this news. Part of me is going to miss my friends and family here in Manila, as well as the awesome experience it is to live here. Part of me is really excited to see my American friends and family, and experience all of the stuff I love in the U.S.. So I have put together a light hearted list of the top 5 things that I will miss the most from Manila, and the top 5 things I am most looking forward to in Chicago! So without further adieu here we go!

Top 5 Things you can do in Manila but can't do in Chicago

5. You can wear sandals year round!
It's january right now here in Manila, however I still wear sandals every day to the office! If you know me very well at all you will understand that the sandal is my preferred footwear (the reason is because I have slightly hobbitish feet and socks hurt the hair on my feet). Living in a climate where it is possible to never need to wear shoes is awesome!

4. In Manila you can find a place to eat anywhere and it's cheaper!
If you were to eat out everyday for lunch in the U.S. and you aren't loaded, then you might go bank rupt! However here in Manila there are all sorts of awesome inexpensive options for ya!

3. You can take a 60 min cab ride and it will only cost $10.
No where in Chicago is that possible, a $10 cab ride gets you two blocks!

2. In Manila, you can choose to go to the E.R. without insurance and have no fear, your bill will be much smaller than in the U.S.! I was there for 4 hours with IV's and blood tests, some meds, and two doctors and they only charged me $150. Beat that US!

1. You can get super uber awesomely fresh sushi! That is just flat out impossible to get this level of sushi in Chicago. The stuff here is legit! And Inexpensive! I know a place that you can have an all you can eat buffet which includes sushi for just $10. epic!

Top 5 things you can do in Chicago that you can't do in Manila!

5. I can drive! In Chicago I know how to drive! Here I haven't even attempted. I don't need an international accident under my belt, so I'm excited to be in a place where I know how to drive. Also you can actually drive. I don't think many cars in the Metro Manila area have ever gone above 30 mph!

4. Now matter what time of the day it is you can find a breakfast place open! In Manila it's hard to find a breakfast place flat out, let alone a 24 hrs. one, and one that serves the "American Breakfast".  In Manila if you find a breakfast place open you will get served rice, no hash browns in sight, except at Mcdonalds, which I don't think we can actually call that food can we?

3. You can have large Pop! In the Philippines their definition of a large pop is smaller than our small. I'm  a former pop addict, so trust me when I say I miss the big size! Wendy's here offers the biggie size still,  I'm looking forward to everywhere I go, when I say large, they bring me a bucket!

2. One word people. Chipotle. I talk about burritos all the time here, in fact so much that I bet my Manila friends are surprised this only makes #2 and isn't #1! I throughly miss burritos but specifically from Chipotle, and that is one place that Manila hasn't gotten yet! I think this will be what I have for lunch the first day back! I'm excited!

1. MOVIE THEATER BUTTER POPCORN. It was nice while in Asia to experience the option to purchase assorted popcorn flavors like bbq, corn, wasabi, cheese, and peanut however, nothing tops and bucket of super duper heavily coated liquid butter popcorn that practically disintegrates the paper bucket it came in. I mean when I get back, I am bringing two towels to the movie theater with me. One for my lap to set the soon to be disintegrated bucket on, and one for hands after they join the popcorn in it's butter bath. Oh, and in the U.S. at most places there is free refills on the popcorn and soda!

So now you know why I'm conflicted! haha! All joking aside I think what is really at the center of my mixed emotions is the fact that I have throughly enjoyed this past season of life. God has led Rachel and I on an amazing journey and has given us many awesome adventures. On top of that, he also gave us a lot of new friends who have touched our hearts. Rachel and I even grew leaps and bounds in our marriage as we learned to really work together, and understand how to live in a situation where we are around each other 24/7. It's been beautiful and I don't want it to be over.

I also really miss my friends and family back home. Everyday I think of someone else who I would just love to sit and have a chat with in person. Something is always reminding me of one of my closest friends. I'm excited to see you all again.

Soon we will be giving a more updatey kind of post of what we have been up to, as well as showing you some portfolio items of projects we worked on here, that we have not yet posted! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Take off and Landing

Ecclesiastes is one of the most depressing books of the Bible. Lamentations is pretty sad, but Ecclesiastes despairs at the meaning of life.

The Questor, the Preacher, the Teacher… all names translators have given to the man who wrote this exquisitely heartbreaking piece of poetry. He tries everything to satisfy his thirsty soul.

He even tries God.

But still, he cannot find the purpose of his life. After a life of searching, the Questor-Preacher-Teacher writes this: