Friday, February 20, 2015

Fighting Sleep

No one knows you like I know you
How your tiny left hand curls around my left index finger
Your ear folds against my breast
You fuss just long enough for someone else to give up
Before your miniature frame goes gooey in my arms
And your eye lashes bow to slumber
No one knows you like I know you
How we see each other as halves of a whole
Your toothless grin spreads honey-sweet
And lights my heart Like a slow sunrise
as you notice me in the doorway
Once again, completing you
No one knows you like I know you
What you need
Who you are
Because I still feel you kick in my womb
Hear your every sigh
Taste your breath
And see you. Really see you.
No one will ever know you like I know you
Except God himself
Who I am growing to understand
Is more like a mother than anything else

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