Rise and shine
Little lady
Give God your glory
Of your sleepy grin
And curling toes
A barrel belly
Full of hope
My heart dances
My eyes water
Today is
Already very
Already very
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear it sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit. -John 3:8
My days are a blur, and I dread the night. This morning, I had a machine strapped to my breasts milking me while I awkwardly leaned over my coffee table in an attempt to eat breakfast with my free hand alternating between bouncing my 3 week old daughter and editing photos on my laptop. If that sounds insane, that’s because it is.
I am going insane.
Last night, she ate at around 2 hour intervals… which left me about an hour available for sleep between feeding sessions IF I could fall asleep. Every time I feed her, she is gassy and scream/cries approximately 20 minutes afterwards. Not FOR 20 minutes (the time is indefinite), 20 minutes LATER she will cry. Let’s do some math, if the child is eating at 2 hour intervals from start to start and eats for about 20 minutes, gets burped for 5-10, is soothed to sleep for 5-10, and then wakes up gassy and fussy needing to be put down again, that leaves a window of 20 minutes for sleep, followed by a second window of 1 hour and 10 minutes MINUS the time it takes to get gassy girl to be quiet.
Sometimes, I am just awake for the entire 2 hours and it begins again.
During the day, I usually sit with the baby in our living room with the windows drawn (since I have to pull a boob out at regular intervals), and “calming” music playing. Here’s the thing, when your child will only sleep in a room with white noise, there is never a moment of silence.
I have an eternal headache.
As an extrovert, with the need to achieve, the whole alone-in-a-dark-room-all-day thing is really really depressing. Sure, I could get out while Margo is napping, but then I would have to sacrifice my own ability to nap while she is napping… even if it is light and fitful. Also, I would have to cry in front of strangers. That is such a buzzkill.
I was so focused on labor and delivery that I didn’t give much thought to what it would be like afterwards. Pregnancy is hard. Delivery is harder than pregnancy, and life with a newborn is infinitely harder than delivery.
Maybe I will post this someday later when I can put a positive spin on things. People say that this will get better, but right now, I’m living in anticipation of the stress in the minutes to come. I find myself watching the count down clock in my breastfeeding app, begging it to slow down so that I can get away.
I would never leave my family, but now I understand why someone would. It’s not even about them. It’s about me. I am selfish. I want to be my own person and do what I want, when I want. I want to sleep through my daughter’s screams. I can’t… but I want to. I want to go to the freaking mall and get some clothes that hide my postpartum belly flab, are suitable for nursing, and are not sweatpants and t-shirts. I want to take back my “mom bob” haircut, as someone so graciously called it, and look like myself again.
Eveything is stripped away.
I am complete emotional nerve endings… like my daughter.