Sunday, September 11, 2011

The joy of dying

As Colin mentioned in his last post, one of the main ways God has been speaking to us overseas has been through repetition. I don’t have super emotional feelings or “deep revelations,” but in the past week or so, I could not count how many times I have heard “rejoice in the lord always.” Seriously, it’s been like 10 times.

Paired with that has been a realization that as much as I don’t want to, I judge others for having more than I do while at the same time coveting their possessions and harboring jealousy. This has been very painful. I do not want to do these things. I want to stop wanting. I am afraid of what might become of me when I am once again surrounded by consumer culture. Will I become a Pharisee or a Fashionista?

These two thoughts war within me. How can I rejoice while I know how superficial I am? How can I not rejoice when God in his mercy is changing me?

I know that I cannot change on my own. I’m obsessed with fashion and beauty… but I’m also obsessed with rebelling against the accumulation of possessions. Neither is good. Why is it that I cannot buy a shirt without feeling guilty? Why is it that all I can think about is buying that stupid shirt?

In this time of character change, God has reminded me that I am not called to weep over my flesh. I am called to rejoice in its death. And most assuredly… it is dying, slowly and surely.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life Update September 6, 2011

Why hello there, it's been awhile! Sorry we haven't been on here so much lately. We will be sure to make this post extra long so that we can make up for all the missed blog posts, but don't worry, it's all good content.

So strap on your seat belts, and click the read more button to find out what we have been up to lately!

Here we are Kayaking on the South China Sea during Hari Raya!